AI Easy Prompts OS & AI Prompt Generator

6 ratings

AI Easy Prompts OS : Ultimate Organisation Solution for Prompts & AI Prompt Generator

📢 Tired of the Prompt Chaos?

Let's dive straight into the heart of it – AI Easy Prompts OS is your all-in-one savior for prompt organization and AI-powered prompt creation.

AI Easy Prompts OS was awarded #2 Product of the Day on ProductHunt

This product is made SPECIFICALLY for who:

  • Finds yourself digging through a cluttered mess of old prompts, wasting precious time
  • Wants to streamline your prompt management and create a systematic approach to organizing your prompts
  • Still grappling with the challenge of writing compelling and effective prompts

What's inside AI Easy Prompts OS:

  • AI Prompt Writing Assistant
  • All-in-One Dashboard
  • Collections & Folders
  • "Favourites" and "Use Later" Features
  • Guides for your better experience

How It Works?

  • Create new prompts with AI Prompt Generator
  • Add existing prompts to your prompts database
  • Select Collection, Folder and Tags for your prompt
  • Sort your prompts by Status, Favourites, Use later or by Collection or Folders
  • Easily work with your prompts on your all-in one Dashboard

Newbie at prompt writing?

Great! Cause this product has build-in AI-powered prompt writing assistant and can help you get your prompts smooth and easy.

AI Prompt Writing Assistant uses pre-made structures to generate high-quality prompts. You provide some information, and the AI system crafts a compelling prompt, taking the hassle out of creative writing.

See It in Action

Watch our demo video to witness the magic of AI-powered prompt creation:

How can i run my prompts?

Run your prompts inside Notion, or if you're not using Notion, subscribe to enjoy unlimited AI features. You can also run your prompts outside the system, wherever it suits you. Even with a Free Notion plan, you have the key to AI Prompt Generator

Why AI Easy Prompts OS?

Prompt Chaos: Are you tired of struggling to locate your past prompts in a disorganized mess? AI Easy Prompts OS provides a systematic approach to prompt organization, eliminating the chaos and saving you precious time.

Creative Block: Writing compelling and effective prompts can be a challenge. Our AI Prompt Writing Assistant unleashes your creativity, helping you overcome writer's block and craft prompts that capture attention and engage your audience.

Efficiency: With the All-in-One Dashboard and intuitive features like Collections, Folders, and "Favorites," AI Easy Prompts OS streamlines the prompt management process, boosting your efficiency and productivity.

Prompt Organization: Keeping all your prompts in one place, neatly organized and easily accessible, ensures you stay on top of your content creation game. No more lost prompts or time wasted searching for them.

Time-Saving: Spend less time on writing prompts thanks to the AI-powered Prompt Writing Assistant. It takes the heavy lifting off your shoulders, letting you create quality prompts more quickly

Ready to Revolutionize Your Prompt Game?

Get the AI Easy Prompts OS template now for 19$. Lifetime access.


What is AI Easy Prompts OS?

AI Easy Prompts OS is an all-in-one solution designed to streamline prompt organization and assist in the creation of prompts using the power of AI. It's the ultimate tool for content creators, educators, and anyone who relies on prompts in their personal or professional life.

Can I run prompts without Notion?

Absolutely! While you can run your prompts inside Notion, if you're not a Notion user, you can subscribe to enjoy unlimited AI features and run your prompts outside the system. It's flexible to fit your needs.

Is this product suitable for both beginners and experienced writers?

Yes, AI Easy Prompts OS caters to all skill levels. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned writer, our product simplifies the prompt creation process, ensuring it's accessible and beneficial for all.

Can i use this product on a free Notion plan?

Yes, even with a Free Notion plan, you can use AI Easy Prompts OS and unlock the power of AI Prompt Writing Assistant. We offer flexibility to accommodate various user preferences.

Is customer support available if I have questions or need assistance?

Yes, i provide customer support to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter. Feel free to reach out to me, and i'll be happy to help.
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Last month i've launched 3 more AI-products on ProductHunt and gained more than 1000 upvotes, Top Products pages, 2nd & 3ed Positions in a day rank.

Check out my lunches there

My other AI-powered products:

✔ AI Easy Bookmarks 15$

✔ AI Easy Content Studio 35$

✔ AI Easy Prompt OS & AI Prompt Generator 19$

✔ AI Easy Newsletter Studio 35$

I have a special offer for you! Get the AI-powered bundle with 30% OFF
104$̶ ⇨ ONLY 69$ FOR 4 TOOLS

Designed by Valeria. You may also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest 👋

For any question, write on my e-mail:

I want this!

You'll get an Ultimate AI-Powered Bookmark Organization Solution & AI Prompt Generator template for your Notion

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AI Easy Prompts OS & AI Prompt Generator

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